After the first steps, your body might loose weight, the energy that pulled you to the earth seems to get you forward. I booked a flight and my friend in NY is looking forward to see me – after three years, which is much too loong, rigth?
Now, for me it feels almost like coming home, rather than like an adventure ahead. But, don’t worry, it will be an adventure, I’ll make sure.
After booking, I went to my bookshelf and pulled out this one, which is called “A Manual for New York”. This book doesn’t tell you, where to get a lunch under 12 Dollars, it tells you about the peaople and what they love about their city, about having a dayly life there and what it feels like.
And now my big thank you to my hero of travelling Susanne Krüger from REISEBOERSENETZ and her colleague of the Globetrotters Sheep Paul. Perfect booking!